Friday, August 9, 2013

Pokemon: Evolving in new ways.

  So, another pokemon post, another major reveal.  It seems that some pokemon will have new 'mega evolutions' that occur during battle.

"I am a warrior, pure of heart.  I am Lucario, and I am a MEGA POKEMON!"

  We've already seen a trailer of pokemon 'transforming' in battle.  I hear it being compared to digimon a lot.  While it is true that digimon, in the anime, has been having them grow into new forms for battle for a while, this is hardly a new thing.  A character turning into a 'super form' has been a part of anime for quite some time. 

"Call me when he can go MegaLucario 3."

  So is this an original idea?  Not it is not.  Is it ripping off digimon?  Only in the sense that digimon itself has ripped off things.  But in the end, it doesn't matter if this was caused by the trainer holding up a Pokevice.  The inspiration isn't so much as.. what will it do to the game?

  Right now theories are still bouncing around as to just how you do a 'mega evolution.'  We have been told that it happens in battle.  We've also been told that it is related to 'Mega Stones'.  There will be a distribution of a torchic which comes with Blazikenite.  So it seems each pokemon will have a stone specific to it.  It's also been said that Blazikenite can only be acquired this way and not naturally in-game.  It's also been revealed that not all pokemon will have mega forms.

"Did someone say Mega Form?"

  These reveals are more worrisome to me than the existence of the mega forms.  If it is only some pokemon, they will, in a way, be put on a pedestal.  They will be 'special' and above the rest.  It doesn't matter if, say, Garchomp can still take on a mega pokemon and win easily.  The mega pokemon still got something special.  Are the stones rare?  That makes them seem more gimmicky.  Pokemon is already full of cheating.  There will be those that hack every stone they need into the game, leaving everyone else behind.
  If it is just a few pokemon, it's possible that mega pokemon will end up banned in tournaments, least they're the only pokemon that you see anymore.
  Some people are upset because Gen 6 has already 'ruined competitive battling.'  But that just translates to 'my team of dragons will no longer be overpowered.'  If the addition of fairy types messes up a lot of peoples teams, that's a sign that they were needed.  There shouldn't be one type that dominates.  So now we have super pokemon.  
  Right now I am giving Game Freak the benefit of the doubt.  Personally, I'm a bit iffy on the subject.  If it was every pokemon, it would be a new game mechanic that will factor into things.  If, instead, it's a few pokemon, those pokemon are going to have something that pushes them above the rest.  Even if their stats may end up less than some other pokemon, your pokemon turning into super mode is just 'cool.'

"Super Mode, GO!"

  So currently I'm in 'wait and see' mode.  Which is a less cool mode.  I don't think anyone should get too upset about it at the moment.  And before people complain too much about pokemon jumping the shark, I should remind you all that this was a thing.


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